Right4Paws • Right4Paws
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Why raw is right for your pet

Dogs need raw nutrition too. That’s why our food is formulated to stay rich in raw nutrition. So their bodies absorb a full profile of nutrients to nourish and thrive.

That little furry baby curled up on your sofa is a direct descendant of a wolf. Their digestive systems are the same. Their gut biome and enzymes, the same. And guess what, wolves didn’t have barbeque parties in the wild. They hunted and ate raw meat and vegetation.

Our belief

“When the diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need” ~ Ayurveda Proverb

Well-being is a result of internal & external health, one’s diet predominantly determines the quality of the health.
Pets on a consistent diet of Right4Paws food are poised for sound health and robustness.

Right4Paws is the next-gen pet food

Dry food - Akin to Kibble

Easy to feed and store


Rehydrates to a fresh meal in 3-5 mins

Higher Nutrition Density in every gram

Higher Nutrition Density & Availability

We're loved by dogs and absolutely adored by parents!